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2 September 2020
Het zonnepaneel IconIQ, volledig gebaseerd op technologie van TNO en het Duitse onderzoeksinstituut International Solar Energy Research Centre (ISC Konstanz), is deze week onthuld. De Zaanse modulebouwer Energyra heeft een prototype van dit unieke paneel aangeboden aan Gaëtan Masson, voorzitter van de European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC).
by Jan Stiensma 1 September 2020
Westknollendam, September 3 rd 2020  Today, the “IconIQ” solar module, based on a technology developed by TNO (NL) and ISC Konstanz (DE), has been revealed by Dutch module producer Energyra. The solar panel entails a unique combination of two European technologies, which will also be produced in the EU. At Energyra’s factory in Zaandam, the Netherlands, a first prototype was presented to Gaëtan Masson, co-chairman of the European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC). These are the first steps of the IconIQ-Greenfab consortium, which is aiming to establish a high-end PV manufacturing activity in Europe. Energyra, ISC Konstanz and TNO play a leading role in this consortium, focusing on combining proven technologies into a high-quality mass product. This aligns very well with the objectives of ESMC, which represents all the stakeholders in the European PV manufacturing industry.
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